Friday, September 26, 2008

Bell Orchestre live på litauisk radio!

Nya låtarna ljuder helt underbart! Love it! Om bara den där efterlängtade skivan ville leta sin väg till mig och alla andra som väntar (o)tåligt också så vore livet ljuvt.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jeremy's scrapbook 2008-09-25


Earlier today Stephen Harper suggested that ordinary Canadians would understand the cuts his government made to the culture.
And suggested "ordinary Canadians" might not understand rich people (referring to artists) sitting around complaining about their lack of grants.
- Rosemary Barton, CBC News

ordinary like... you, stephen harper? the CBC reported in 2004 that the prime minister makes somewhere between $250,000 and $300,000 a year.
the house of commmons sits for what, 8 months of a year? not a bad salary for taking a third of the year off...

i'm extremely lucky to be in a very successful band (i dare you to try to argue we just sit around and eat grant money), and i would bet you made more money than i did last year, mister PM. i see a lot of my friends not in super successful rock bands depend on grant money for rent and food, to PAY for their work (working harder than you do?) at their art, with the hopes of gaining enough success to eke out a living at it.

i'd agree, maybe, that most people struggling to make their art are NOT like ordinary canadians, only because they make well BELOW the national average of income. and if you consider yourself to be an ordinary canadian, stephen harper, then the tie that binds must be hockey or coffee or something because you sure make a lot more money that most canadians i know.

in the end, and it's just a broad sweeping general sort of insult, not totally based in knowing anything about you (but that's sort of your style, no?)... but in the end i'd argue that you, stephen harper, are the rich man that sits around a third of the year on a salary we all chip in towards, listening to music and watching movies made by people who work a hell of a lot harder than you do.

i'm going to try my hardest to VOTE YOU OUT OF THERE.

Jeremy är irriterad! Lite bakgrund finns här.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hello *atjoo* Saferide

Tack Annika. Plattan var precis så bra som jag trodde och hoppades på. Nu ska jag återgå till att ligga i soffan och vara sjuk.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Have I Done

Anna Ternheim - What Have I Done (Acoustic Version)

Wooo, Anna är tillbaka med denna akustiska version av hennes kommande singel från nya plattan Leaving On A Mayday. Joel gillar vad han hör. Som om inte detta vore nog kan man på tanka den här låten gratis + att hon dessutom kommer göra tre exklusiva spelningar i vinter.
Torsdag 4 dec GÖTEBORG, Röda Sten
Lördag 6 dec MALMÖ, Babel
Måndag 8 dec STOCKHOLM, Orionteatern
Good times!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Får man uppleva nåt sånt här igen kommer jag vara en väldigt lycklig joel.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bell Orchestre hänför!

Ordet på gatan...

...är att den 6:e oktober kommer Triple J sända Arcade Fire - Live från Sydney. Inget officiellt än dock. Återkommer givetvis.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Haiti behöver akut hjälp!

För att få ett någorlunda grepp på hur krisartat läget är på Haiti just nu efter Orkanen Hanna tänkte jag visa er dessa bilder, tagna från bl.a. Haitis näst största stad Gonaives.Varenda krona är i det här läget ovärderbar så om du har något du kan skänka, oavsett hur lite eller hur mycket, donera till Partners In Health så kommer garanterat pengarna till rätt händer. På donationssidan väljer du själv vilket program du vill att dina pengar ska gå till och i detta fall är det "Haiti Hurricane Relief" som gäller. Här är två artiklar som bara understryker hur katastrofartat läget är:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jeremy's scrapbook 2008-09-09

hurricane - haiti

there's still a lot of haiti underwater right now. if you can do without a couple drinks this weekend or find a $20 bill behind the couch or something, every little bit of help would go a really long way. if you haven't donated to partners in health yet (or if you haven't read about what they do), now's a really good time.

on the actual donation page you can pick where you want the money to go, and right now they need hurricane relief really badly.

thanks for reading.
xo j

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Annika på Skogskyrkogården

Hello Saferide aka Annika Norlin är som ni säkert vet på gång tillbaka. Ingen har väl missat Anna, eller? Hoppas inte det. Här framför hon avslutningslåten Arjeplog från nya albumet, More Modern Short Stories From Hello Saferide, på Skogskyrkogården i Enskede.
Annika vinner på knock som vanligt!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Jeremy's scrapbook 2008-08-31


hey stephen harper. nicely timed, with all this election chatter and all. most people, when they're not happy with their jobs, find a new one before they quit the old one. you wouldn't turf a pair of sneakers before you had a new pair, would you? not sneakers, no... but the arts! well...
so what are your new and improved plans for all those funding moneys? you know, for the people who've essentially lost their jobs (ie: you fired). you wouldn't close a manufacturing plant without some options for the workers in it, would you? wait... would you?
you fancy yourself a music fan, yet you have no respect for musicians. shame. you probably enjoy film, too. what hypocrisy!

För er som inte vet det redan så är Stephen Harper Kanadas nuvarande premiärminister.